Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Blog Relaunch!! - It's been a while...


It has been over a year since I last made a post to my blog, I'm a person who isn't exactly the best at keeping to any sort of schedule and I get distracted easily, I'm a little bit like a magpie. Anything shiny and my attention is caught! When I first started this blog I had every intention of being a good blogger, posting weekly or once a fortnight was my goal but I just didn't have the motivation to do so.  I have made a total of 8 posts, excluding this one which is more of an 'oops' post than anything. They aren't the best although I promise I did try. From now on however I will try to make a proper effort and actually make posts that are somewhat interesting.

Since I last made a post my Instagram page has gained a much larger following than when I intitially made this blog and I have found that people seem to enjoy my Disney posts on there so I thought, 'maybe people will enjoy reading my rambling posts about Disney but just in longer paragraphs' so here we are.

Now I'm not sure if many people will be interested but if someone reads these I'll be happy! Hopefully I will start a proper schedule. I'm aiming for once a week either on a Sunday or a Monday, I'll try to make the content interesting and fun but I'm not sure what people want to read! If you have any suggestions of what you would enjoy reading on this blog then please don't hesitate to drop me a message either here or on Instagram.

If you are not here from my isntagram, Hello! You can follow me @shereallyisafunnygirl and I also have a twitter which is @ADreamisawish96

If you managed to read all of that, thank you and congratulations!



P.S I'm hoping to do an updated collection post of my Jim Shore pieces. My next post will hopefully be quite an exciting one as this Friday I am going to a rather exciting event!!


  1. Excited for what's to come! Great to hear you are back blogging. Love Kate x

    1. Thank you so much lovely! Coming from someone with an amazing blog that means a lot!! 💞
